Re: RadiusNT Login Limit

Dale E. Reed Jr. (
Thu, 3 Apr 1997 10:14:07 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 3 Apr 1997, Devron Knowles wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone out there has successfully got the new RadiusNT (1.16 rev 42) login limit function to work? I'm halfway there but it's still not working. If I use any switch -R I can login anyone one time, but then that username can only be on the system once.
> If I up the limit to 10 I still can only get the user to login once. While looking at the Radius switches I decided that a -R3 was the way to go. I implemented this and I thought that I had it working. It let me dialin with two logins a few times but then it seemed to just stop working (probably not, but it felt like it). No matter what I have set in the login limit field for that user, I still can only have one login.

Go into RadiusNT Administrator, and set Concurrency control, manual
updates, and variable login limits. Save the config, and restart
RadiusNT. This will accomplish what you want.

BTW, 1.16.42 is pretty old. :( A problem was recently uncovered in the
1.16.60 code for manual updates that will crash RadiusNT. 1.18.00
should be available soon to fix that problem, and also includes
authentication support for the WindowsNT SAM.
