Re: Excellent Support Story (fwd)

Damien T. (
Wed, 2 Apr 1997 21:27:26 -0800 (PST)

Yikes! It wasn't me who prompted this, and thus deserve no credit or blame.
It was just a matter of pure-luck timing. My gut suspicion is that MegaZone
'clicked' (to use Dwayne's term) when someone posted the appropriate section
from an RFC. I think MegaZone has made it clear over time that he has
little tolerance for doodads and geegaws bloating the ComOS code (having
seen the results at prior places of employment), or anything that isn't
standards-based. The posted RFC kinda put the ongoing chant for IP aliasing
in a different light...that's my guess.

Personally, I have no use for the feature and am thus not part of the vocal
majority who have been asking for the feature for what seems like eons. As
I sat writing my original post, waxing philosophical on the improvements and
features Livingston has been coming up with, the frame relay multiple
subinterface and the IP aliasing were the only things I could think of that
an IRX lacked and Cisco had that would influence my buying decisions in
similar class routers.

So when is the Livingston 7500 series going to be released? (heh!)


At 08:39 PM 4/2/97 -0800, MegaZone wrote:

>Once upon a time Dwayne Kuykendall shaped the electrons to say...

>>"I was getting tired of people posting messages about multiple IP addresses
>>on ether0. And when Damien T. suggested that we allow for IP aliases on
>>the ethernet port in the same message about Unlimited multiple frame relay
>>subinterfaces it finally clicked! Maybe we could combine the two... oh let
>Nice try - but I talked to engineering about it 2 days before he posted. ;-)
>I'd had the basis of the idea for a while, but I needed time to think through
>some of the details.