Re: IRX on its Knees -- more info (fwd)

Gene Imes (
Tue, 1 Apr 1997 20:05:51 -0600 (CST)

On Sat, 29 Mar 1997, Stephen Zedalis wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Mar 1997, MegaZone wrote:
> > Once upon a time Stephen Zedalis shaped the electrons to say...
> > >there are even web pages devoted to it. The IRX, in my opinion, is not
> > >suited to be an ISP's core router. It can make a good customer router,
> >
> > Don't be so fast.
> >
> > We found a bug in the WAN port driver, as of yesterday we were rewriting it.
> > Preliminary indications are that we can match the Cisco in performace.
> > The new driver should be in test soon, and will hopefully be in the next
> > release.
> What in the world do you mean by "so fast"? We tried to resolve this
> problem for well over a year! I've got IRX's collecting dust because
> they couldn't perform. The response from Livingston was to
> flatly deny there was a problem! A typical Livingston response to any
> problem that Livingston doesn't want to admit to. Shades of the old WAN
> port problems. We WANTED to stay with Livingston for the low end routers.
> Livingston is our choice for term servers. Our comments about the PM-3
> even show up on your web page. But time and time again, the IRX proved it
> was not up to the task. We resisted the change but finally had to switch
> to Cisco because of the denials and non-responsiveness of Livingston on
> this issue. We couldn't wait then, and can't wait now. If one of my
> downstream customers needs a router, I would HAVE to recommend Cisco at
> this point. I can't go on Livingston's promises of a "fix someday".
> Frankly, Livingston's plate is full with some of the fixes that need to
> come out soon.

So fast? I agree with everything said here. I have 3 of these things and
have taken 2 out of service the other is ok for now because the load is
not that high. Livingston couldn't fix them are were unwilling to fix
them. They were also unwilling to refund my money-they sold me something
that would not perform as advertised.

Just got screwed on this deal unless Livingston can fix them but now I
already have other routers.

Gene Imes