Re: Funny Support Story

Alex Rubenstein (
Tue, 01 Apr 1997 20:06:16 -0400

Uhhh.. no.

Sometimes, when you are on s0, and you set console, and then leave, the
debug output goes out to that port. You need to unset it.

At 03:19 PM 4/1/97 -0800, Damien T. wrote:
>Okay, in the past I've complained about an experience with Livingston
>technical support, but I just listened to a voice mail message from a
>support person (who shall remain nameless for her protection) regarding a
>problem we were having that I had previously posted to this list.
>I had noted ongoing error messages about the S1 receive buffer being full,
>and "bad net" messages and wanted to know why this problem was ocurring and
>exactly what this meant.
>The message from the Livingston rep goes like this:
>"Okay, I think I have the solution to your problem. What you need to do is
>type 'set console' and hit return. Type 'set debug 0x0' and hit return.
>Type 'reset console' and hit return. That should take care of your
>Sheesh! What kind of crap is that? "You're getting errors? Well, let's
>turn off the error messages and everything will be fine..." See no evil.
>While I was incredulous about the message, I have to admit that it's funny.
>Maybe I'll make an .au or .wav file out of it.