Config. (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 1 Apr 1997 16:48:23 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Stavros Patiniotis shaped the electrons to say...
>the following (as I am having some disconnection problems with customers)
>The information in brackets is what I have set now! All ports are for
>dialup PPP internet access. (most users are win95 ie PAP)

No shell users then? ONLY PPP right?

>What should the PORT TYPE be set to? (Network/login)


>What should the TERMINAL TYPE be set to? ()

Doesn't matter for PPP, leave it blank

>What should the NETWORK TYPE be set to? (Dialin)


>What should the MODEM CTL be set to? (Enabled)


>What should the LOGIN SERVICE be set to? (portmaster - although no in.pmd
>is running)

Doesn't matter for PPP, you could set this and DEVICE SERVICE to something
other than PortMaster to stop the periodic pings to look for in.pmd

>What should the AUTOLOG NAME be set to?


>What should the HOST OVERIDE parameters be set to? (all blank)

All blank

>What should the HOST be set to? (default)

Doesn't matter for PPP, default is fine

>How can I get the login prompt to be "pm1 s1 Login:" without typing pm1
>s1.... $hostname doesn't seem to work???

$hostname only fills in the name of the unit (if you have set it) there
is currently no wayto report the port number automatically.


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