Re: Why waste your time and money on 2400b pri circuit- we need OSPF NOW! (fwd)

Steve Haynes (
Sat, 30 Nov 1996 16:17:48 -0500 (EST)

> It is a bit frustrating to have the PM-3 out and to have OSPF out - both
> *major* acheivements - and still catch flak. And to have to answer to the
> same charges repeatedly, just as the thread dies someone else catches wind
> of it and rekindles it. It gets rather tiresome.


Look at what you have said above....It says it all.....You have a large
group of customers that own many $$$ worth of your equipment and we have
received nothing but "any time now......" and "shit happens" we
obviously don't have an installed base of PM-3's.....We need help with
what we run TODAY....not a product we will buy tomorrow.

The new product had priority over fixing a problem with your present
product that would have made MANY MANY of us happy.

I believe it can be the kiss of death when you turn your back on your
present customers, and put the priority on a NEW product...

Just give us a date and no MORE of the anytime now. I have NEVER been
involved on this list except to help others....until now....I have been
vocal about OSPF on 2 messages prior to today.....

You feel frustrated....think how we feel when the product we bought is
becoming hard to use and promisses have been made and not kept, but there
is a NEW product out that does what was PROMISSED the PM-2 would!

Megazone....please do yourself a favor and don't respond any more....You
are one hell of a nice guy and work your butt off helping others, but
defending Livingston on this issue is a dead horse......Stop defending
Livingstons decisions and give us a date! If you can't then get one of
the mgrs to give us a valid date so we have something to look foward
too...and to make decisions with.
