Why waste your time and money on 2400b pri circuit- we need OSPF NOW! (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Sat, 30 Nov 1996 12:24:45 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Steve Haynes shaped the electrons to say...
>We own our own Frac T-3 Backbone to Northern VA., and have ALOT more than
>8 PM-2's on our network and OSPF is a big issue for us. What I was
>trying to get across is some of the reasourses that have been put
>elsewhere should have been put on the OSPF problem (as it has been
>indicated that it did become a problem for livingston) as folks that are

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

We had engineers working on the OSPF code, that's what they were doing.
Throwing more engineers on the pile doesn't help anything - you keep doing
that and eventually it takes *longer* because of confusion.

The PM-3 development team worked *with* the OSPF group to be sure, as the
PM-3 runs the ComOS with OSPF, but they weren't the same groups.

There are things that can only be solved by methodical work, fixing a problem
and then testing to see what the fix does. OSPF is probably the biggest
feature added to the PM family, and it took a lot of work to do it *right*.

>I do not see where you are qualified to even respond to me....and so the
>rest of this group can see who is making the noise, here is a traceroute
>to YOUR network! I would not have even responded to the list, but wanted
>to make your response and WHO you are public to make my original point.

Was this "my net is bigger than yours" crap really necessary?

> 1500ms to get to your ns off the network you are connected too??
>Maybe you need to get a real job!

You know as well as I do that hop times can vary widely. I've seen some
insane times from Livingston to the nets too - that isn't a fair hit.

>You have JUST solidified my point to Livingston about who is making the
>all the noise.

They still buy the box. We are still a commercial enterprise. And there are
a lot of people just like him. It does add up.

>I also believe that the comeback that "shit happens" is not very
>responsive or porfessional from Megazone. OSPF should have had HIGHER

This list is informal, it isn't an official sales or support channel.
I said that because that's the best phrase I know to sum up the happenings.
I could get all highbrow and use the "Best laid plans of mice and men..."

Early this year we expected to have it out midsummer, we all believed it
would be out. We broke our normal silence because of the incessant bitching
on the list to tell people what we thought, to get them to stop bitching.
That was an honest answer, we believed it.

And late in the cycle problems cropped up. And it turned out to be a lot
harder to get it all fixed than was anticipated. We know how important OSPF
is, and we've weren't happy with the delay either. And we know well that we
lost customers because of it, and we appreciate those who stuck it out.
But that's life - we worked as diligently and steadily as possible, and it
was done when it was done - not a second before.

Unlike some companies where the ship date comes and any code that is there
gets the stamp is ships - whether or not it works - we don't ship until it
works. (Well, until we really believe it works. Sometimes we're wrong, we
are human beings too.)

>Marty! And I do understand that Megazone may have responded out of
>frustration with this list.

It is a bit frustrating to have the PM-3 out and to have OSPF out - both
*major* acheivements - and still catch flak. And to have to answer to the
same charges repeatedly, just as the thread dies someone else catches wind
of it and rekindles it. It gets rather tiresome.

(And there have been a number of RTFM style questions lately, which is in
itself frustrating.)


Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
Phone: 800-458-9966 510-426-0770 FAX: 510-426-8951 megazone@livingston.com
For support requests: support@livingston.com  <http://www.livingston.com/> 
Snail mail: 4464 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588