Re: Why waste your time and money on 2400b pri circuit- we need OSPF NOW! (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sat, 30 Nov 1996 10:44:53 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time shaped the electrons to say...
>Seems to me the "logical" step would have been to release OSPF to those
>that need it most, and not only on your latest and greatest product that

No it wouldn't be.

The PM-3 needed a new ComOS, it was built with OSPF to start. Since it
had to have a new OS, it got it first.

Puttting it on something else would have increased risk if there were a
problem, and would make it more difficult to address for us.

>2eR's? How does the availability of OSPF for the PM-3 help me, right now?
>Not at all.

It helps because it is proving the system before widespread service on
the other products.


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