Re: Why waste your time and money on 2400b pri circuit- we need OSPF NOW! (fwd)
Sat, 30 Nov 1996 11:11:09 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 30 Nov 1996, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time shaped the electrons to say...
> >Seems to me the "logical" step would have been to release OSPF to those
> >that need it most, and not only on your latest and greatest product that
> No it wouldn't be.
> The PM-3 needed a new ComOS, it was built with OSPF to start. Since it
> had to have a new OS, it got it first.

I D-O-N-T H-A-V-E A P-M-3. I D-O-N-T C-A-R-E A-B-O-U-T W-H-A-T T-H-E P-M-3
N-E-E-D-E-D. M-O-S-T O-F Y-O-U-R C-U-S-T-O-M-E-R-S D-O-N-T H-A-V-E P-M-3-s

My understanding from your previous comments on the subject, is that OSPF
was developed using the 2e's and 2eR's *first*, yet it is released on your
flagship product before being released on the product that it was
developed on in the first place. Makes a whole lotta sense to me alright.

> Puttting it on something else would have increased risk if there were a
> problem, and would make it more difficult to address for us.

> >2eR's? How does the availability of OSPF for the PM-3 help me, right now?
> >Not at all.
> It helps because it is proving the system before widespread service on
> the other products.

That's what beta programs are for. You have already had a beta program
on OSPF, right? And what platforms were the beta programs on? The 2e/eR's
and the PM-3, right?

Personally, rather than sitting here bitching as our networks strains
under the weight of a "historic" routing protocol, I just wish you would
release the damn code so we could all get on to more productive things.

Patrick Greenwell (510) 943-5769 voice
Systems Administrator (510) 210-2000 modem
Value Net, Inc. (510) 943-1708 fax