Re: Why waste your time and money on 2400b pri circuit- we need OSPF NOW!

Brian Elfert (
Sat, 30 Nov 1996 15:08:00 -0600 (CST)

On Sat, 30 Nov 1996, Steve Haynes wrote:

> Just give us products that work for 98% of the folks! I do not understand
> why someone would waste a pri on 2400 baud....just doesn't make good
> business sense to spend that kind of money on a circuit/equipment and then
> use it at 2400. Lets put the focus on things the majority of us badly
> OSPF for all the PM-2's many of your customers have and will
> continue using. I am surprised that so much effort would be put on this
> when other more pressing items need to be addressed NOW! O S P F !

The code for 2400 baud support was already done, they just decided not to
put it in the released code. Enough users complained that they put it in
the final code.

If they had to write 2400 baud code from scratch, it would have likely
delayed shipment for a while. I've heard that it took Livingston a year
or more to develop the code for the True Digital modems.
