Why waste your time and money on 2400b pri circuit- we need OSPF NOW!

Steve Haynes (steve@exis.net)
Sat, 30 Nov 1996 15:18:28 -0500 (EST)


Maybe you should get your head out of your.......I have been speaking
up my friend. And Just WTFAY......If you are speaking for livingston,
which your tone implies, I now understand the problem......My $50k was
just 3 PM-3's??.......Just as I suspected. I do understand why
livingston introduced the PM-3 as with that $50k there is $75k worth of
USR Couriers V. Everything modems.

To NOT blast livingston, I just investagated who you are wnd what you are
connected to the Internet with. Now I understand your response, as you
must have a dedacated 2400 baud (maybe even a 28.8 or 56k frame) and are
feeding 2400b customers. It would appear YOU DO NOT WORK FOR Livingston and

I am not one to beat my chest, but I am tired of the minorty speaking for
all of us. As far as I can see you are not even a real player and we
have to wade though all the BS to get good info from this list.

We were buying livingston, before most knew who livingston was. Our
orginal donain was registered in 1993 and then became Exis.net.

We put one of the first, if not the first DOS based BBS on the internet
in 1964, using a PM-2.....I am sure Bryan remembers us as he helped us
alot on exchange.com

We own our own Frac T-3 Backbone to Northern VA., and have ALOT more than
8 PM-2's on our network and OSPF is a big issue for us. What I was
trying to get across is some of the reasourses that have been put
elsewhere should have been put on the OSPF problem (as it has been
indicated that it did become a problem for livingston) as folks that are
managing over $1.0 mil worth of network needed it yesterday.

I do not see where you are qualified to even respond to me....and so the
rest of this group can see who is making the noise, here is a traceroute
to YOUR network! I would not have even responded to the list, but wanted
to make your response and WHO you are public to make my original point.

FYI va-inter.net is owned by ExisNet as are the Cisco routers in both
locations....We also have a bunch of IRX's for our customers and ExisNet
is the HIGHEST rated ISP in Virginia and has been in that position for a
long time on the cnet ratings list.

traceroute to zeke.ebtech.net (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 core-vb-7000-E1-0.va-inter.net ( 1.45 ms 0.752 ms
0.822 ms
2 border-mae-e-hssi-S0-0.va-inter.net ( 5.975 ms
5.806 ms 6.072 ms
3 ds3-mclean-maeeast.cais.net ( 6.642 ms 6.841 ms
6.988 ms
4 sl-dc-18-H9/0-T3.sprintlink.net ( 7.778 ms 7.108
ms 7.209 ms
5 sl-dc-6-F0/0.sprintlink.net ( 13.924 ms 19.45 ms
13.009 ms
6 sl-pen-1-H2/0-T3.sprintlink.net ( 16.075 ms 15.95 ms
15.744 ms
7 sl-pen-15-F0/0.sprintlink.net ( 15.312 ms 14.911 ms
15.673 ms
8 sl-insinct3-1-h0/0-T3.sprintlink.net ( 30.543 ms
29.337 ms 29.701 ms
9 core-spc-tor-2-fddi0/0.Sprint-Canada.Net ( 29.991 ms
28.641 ms 29.892 ms
10 core-spc-tor-2-Serial-5-6.Sprint-Canada.Net ( 877.32
ms 794.754 ms 931.734 ms
11 router2.tor.hookup.net ( 799.095 ms 821.969 ms
877.052 ms
12 ( 3158.25 ms 2438.39 ms 2496.91 ms
13 zeke.ebtech.net ( 2290.05 ms 2131.93 ms *

1500ms to get to your ns off the network you are connected too??

Maybe you need to get a real job!

I can not imagine why you would even be interested in the PM-3 as it
appears from your e-mail address that your could not even support a PM-2.

You have JUST solidified my point to Livingston about who is making the
all the noise.

I also believe that the comeback that "shit happens" is not very
responsive or porfessional from Megazone. OSPF should have had HIGHER
priority than the PM-3 as there is a VERY BIG base of Livingston users
that needed it a LONG time ago.

On a positive note, I did receive ve a nice positive e-mail from
marty@livingston.com that took some of the edge off these responses. Tks
Marty! And I do understand that Megazone may have responded out of
frustration with this list.

Just give us a date for OSPF instead of anythime now...

Steve Haynes
CEO ExisNet, Inc.

NOTE: I hope this guy really doesn't work for Livingston....I am assuming
he doesn't.

On Sat, 30 Nov 1996, Bernie Brocklehurst wrote:

> Hello,
> > >believe MOST real ISP's do not need 2400 baud. Its just another
> > >rate the modem has to go through and more code to fail or cause a
> > >problem......I hope it is dropped in upcoming OS' releases......
> REAL ISPs? (need I say more?)
> > The modem doesn't try it if it gets a higher rate. I hope we do NOT
> > drop it.
> >
> > >why someone would waste a pri on 2400 baud....just doesn't make
> > >good business sense to spend that kind of money on a
> > >circuit/equipment and then use it at 2400. Lets put the focus on
> > >things the majority of us badly
> I just don't see the cost difference, maybe because of our location.
> It costs just as much for a standard telephone line as it does for a
> single channel on a PRI.
> > Why not? Many ISPs charge by TIME. 2400 baud users are usually on
> > for longer periods. We also heard, loud and clear, from people who
> > said - put in 2400 support and we'll buy PM-3s. No 2400, no sale.
> > We heard this a number of times.
> Agreed. That was the issue with us.
> > >am part of the silent majority that has spent a bundle on
> > >Livingston products...About $50,000....should I vote with my money
> > >somewhere else? I
> Maybe the rest are silent.. because there aren't many others.. or any
> at all. (Is that a majority??)
> It is pretty sad to hear this from someone who claims to be very
> knowledgeable and informed. Your opinion is too much like a person
> who didn't vote in the last election and is not complaining that some
> idiot is president - WORTHLESS. Speak up or shut up.. that is how
> it works, I am sure we have all learned that already.
> $50,000 and they should dedicate a couple engineers to your cause???
> (bwha ha ha ha) $50,000 is a mere 3 portmaster 3's.
> > Maybe someone out there needs something we don't offer now - but
> > unless they speak up and ask for it, it is not likely to happen.
> > We're good, but we're not psychic. We can't pull RFEs out of the
> > air.
> I couldn't have said it better.
> > You do things in logical steps and it works much better than a
> > headlong rush.
> Agreed.
> BB