Why waste your time and money on 2400b pri circuit- we need OSPF NOW!

Steve Haynes (steve@exis.net)
Sat, 30 Nov 1996 12:07:01 -0500 (EST)


I for one believe the minority complained....We have NO use for 2400 and
do not except accounts with less than 14.4 modems....We have about 2600
customers and I would NOT sell them a PPP account at that speed. I really
believe MOST real ISP's do not need 2400 baud. Its just another rate the
modem has to go through and more code to fail or cause a problem......I
hope it is dropped in upcoming OS' releases......

This is a prime example of the loud minority (numbers of PM's owned not
numbers of users of this list) getting your attention. If they have to
have 2400, then slap one of the old 2400 b modems, most folks have, on
there PM-2's....This whole thing has gotton out of hand (and concerns me
about Livingstons priorities).

Just give us products that work for 98% of the folks! I do not understand
why someone would waste a pri on 2400 baud....just doesn't make good
business sense to spend that kind of money on a circuit/equipment and then
use it at 2400. Lets put the focus on things the majority of us badly
need....ie OSPF for all the PM-2's many of your customers have and will
continue using. I am surprised that so much effort would be put on this
when other more pressing items need to be addressed NOW! O S P F !

I hope you will pass this on to the higherups....We are a livingston shop
and have 8 full portmasters and a PM3 that will be here next week ( I will
not waste a pri "b" channel on 2400b - you can be sure ). I would really
rather see you all get us a working OSPF for my 8 PM-2 30's than
responding to these requests from the minority for old technology.....I
can not imagine why the mgrs at livingston would speed any time on this
NON-Issue......Lets get the stuff out real ISP's need NOW!

We are happy with our livingston products as shown by the numbers we
have and more on the way. LIVINGSTON.....P L E A S E give me the OS I
need for all my old livingston products. Your lack of support for current
routing technology is keeping your company from being great (and is a pain
in the ass for us) and concerns me about Livingstons ability to follow
through with complete completion.

I am also concerned that the 33.6 upgrades will go the way of summer OSPF
OS....I sure hope not......enough of this 2400b BS.....Lets get back to
work guys and give us what you promissed this summer! Enough
vaporware.....get your focus back please. I don't want to hear any more
promisses....I just want to see OSPF on the PM-2 like on our new PM-3 NOW!

I do not comment to this list often...but I am begining to get bitter...I
am part of the silent majority that has spent a bundle on Livingston
products...About $50,000....should I vote with my money somewhere else? I
sure hope I have not made a bad business decision. Lets get responsive
to your present customer base and give us what you said you would 5
months ago....Or are you just looking for new BIG customers and the heck
with the folks that made you what you are today. I am mad as Hell over
this focus on 2400b and NO OSPF.

stepping off soapbox...Livingston, I hope for your sake you are getting
this message and will again get your priorites straight and become the
Responsive Livingston I know and love.........

Steve Haynes
CEO ExisNet, Inc.

On Sat, 30 Nov 1996, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Alex Rubenstein shaped the electrons to say...
> >The PM- 3 doesn't support 2400 ?!
> You haven't been listening... ;-)
> sequence of events:
> It wasn't going to.
> Lots of people complained.
> We added 2400 support.
> -MZ
> --
> Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
> Phone: 800-458-9966 510-426-0770 FAX: 510-426-8951 megazone@livingston.com
> For support requests: support@livingston.com <http://www.livingston.com/>
> Snail mail: 4464 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588