Why waste your time and money on 2400b pri circuit- we need OSPF NOW! (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Sat, 30 Nov 1996 09:13:44 -0800 (PST)

I suggest you go reread the thread - you will see that NO TIME WAS WASTED.

Once upon a time Steve Haynes shaped the electrons to say...
>I for one believe the minority complained....We have NO use for 2400 and
>do not except accounts with less than 14.4 modems....We have about 2600

So who are you to decide that their needs are not important? We heard from
a number of people on this list, and via private contacts, that 2400bps
support was important. More people asked for or demanded 2400 support
than many other features that have been requested.

The 2400bps code existed already, we did not intend to use it. It was as
simple as including that module in the code when it was built. That's it,
no time wasted at all.

>believe MOST real ISP's do not need 2400 baud. Its just another rate the
>modem has to go through and more code to fail or cause a problem......I
>hope it is dropped in upcoming OS' releases......

The modem doesn't try it if it gets a higher rate. I hope we do NOT drop it.

>why someone would waste a pri on 2400 baud....just doesn't make good
>business sense to spend that kind of money on a circuit/equipment and then
>use it at 2400. Lets put the focus on things the majority of us badly

Why not? Many ISPs charge by TIME. 2400 baud users are usually on for
longer periods. We also heard, loud and clear, from people who said - put
in 2400 support and we'll buy PM-3s. No 2400, no sale. We heard this a
number of times.

>continue using. I am surprised that so much effort would be put on this
>when other more pressing items need to be addressed NOW! O S P F !

Chill. OSPF is out on the PM-3 and will follow on the rest soon


What do you think, we have one engineer who works on one thing at a time?
The engineer who works on the modems has nothing whatsoever to do with
routing code - that is the domain of other engineers. Even if it meant
developing the code, it wouldn't budge OSPF one iota.

>promisses....I just want to see OSPF on the PM-2 like on our new PM-3 NOW!

It will come in due course. It is on the PM-3 and we are watching it in
service before shipping it on anything else.

>am part of the silent majority that has spent a bundle on Livingston
>products...About $50,000....should I vote with my money somewhere else? I

That is your option. Keep in mind that a 'silent majority' is meaningless.
If people don't say what they want, then they'll never get it. If someone
just decides to go and buy something else, then they are the foolish ones
because they never spoke up.

People who say "Well, I used to buy X but to never gave me what I needed so
I stopped" who never told X what they needed don't make any sense. Most
of our sales are via resellers, we don't have direct contact with the customer.
That sometimes makes it hard to get input from them, but there is also a
responsibility on the part of the consumer to let us know when they need
something. That doesn't mean we'll always do it, but it gives us a chance
to consider it.

Maybe someone out there needs something we don't offer now - but unless
they speak up and ask for it, it is not likely to happen. We're good, but
we're not psychic. We can't pull RFEs out of the air.

And again, in this case there is no relationship. OSPF has been in progress
for a long time, and it's development wasn't budged by modem issues. They
are unrelated.

>with the folks that made you what you are today. I am mad as Hell over
>this focus on 2400b and NO OSPF.

Which is silly, since they aren't connected in the least.

OSPF had a troubled development. It didn't ship until now because it wasn't
ready until now. When Steve said he expected it in July he expected it in
July - but the beta dragged on and there were more kinks than anticipated.
At the time of that letter things had been smooth - they didn't stay smooth.

It comes down to "Shit Happens". Developing new features - especially
something as complex as OSPF - isn't cut and dry. You never know when
something is going to pop up and delay things. OSPF was completed during
the PM-3 beta program, and since the PM-3 needed a new ComOS it made since
to make it part of that ComOS. It also makes sense to be practical and
let it get into the field and get feedback before unleashing it on the
rest of the products. If there is a problem (lets hope there is not) then
it isn't a problem for everything and it can be addressed beforehand. Or
if a good suggestion for added functionality comes in, it may be rolled in
before shipping on the other products.

You do things in logical steps and it works much better than a headlong


Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
Phone: 800-458-9966 510-426-0770 FAX: 510-426-8951 megazone@livingston.com
For support requests: support@livingston.com  <http://www.livingston.com/> 
Snail mail: 4464 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588