Re: 2400 baud support? Get real!

Jacob Suter (
Thu, 21 Nov 1996 16:38:00 -0600

> > Why do computers come with ISA slots? Why are 3.5" floppy disk
> Not all of them do. Besides, we are NOT that far away from an ISA

Well, ISA is as much of a bottleneck as a 2400 is compared to a 28.8k

> There was ISA, EISA, Microchannel, VLB (isa extended), then PCI.
> have been how many advances since 2400? 2400+MNP 5, 9600, 14400,
> 19200, 21600, 24000, 28800, 33600, etc... Plus all the new modems
> downward compatible.

True, but I have customers that dial into my 28.8k & 33.6k cardinals
into the PM or my Cyclades card and using my shell server to IRC &
pine off of at 2400 modem. They are happy, I am happy...

> > drives still made? Why keep making cars, hell we all got
> Why are 3.5" drives still made? What is the alternative? a zip
drive at 10
> times the cost?

Sure, or 128M Floppical. Mac clones are doing it (dunno why, maybe
so they can easily warez 16-bit software or something)

> Your argument is invalid because you are inferring that we should
all be
> using the latest greatest technology regardless of whether or not
we could
> afford it. We can ALL afford a 14400 modem (i hope). We cannot all
> the best car, a helicopter, etc...

Well, I'd rather have that person's money rather than USR, Zoom,
Cardinal, etc... if the customer is happy at 2400, then I am happy
taking their check every month..

> > in the garage! Better throw out them Led Zepplin albums...
> Now cmon, dont be silly. You are comparing art to technological
> I dont think 2400 baud users operate at 2400 baud for nostalgic
> They are FORCED to for whatever reason.

Well, the internet is art, the modem is the technological advance...
Its all the same, its just how pleased you will be when you recieve
it... the difference is in fidelity (bandwidth)... I am personally
pleased with the fidelity of most of my albums, on the right hardware
of course (now, I couldn't go back to a 2400, no way)..

> > turntable along with it...
> Whats a turntable?

Its that thing that spins the album that you place the needle on...
Together they have more sonic headroom than a CD, but it has more

> > Earth is kinda old, lets mothball it and make a new one...
> Its the ONLY one we have (right now).

"... And AT&T will bring it to you"... ***HORK***