Duplicate dynamically assigned addresses

Bob Finch (bob@nas.com)
Sun, 17 Nov 1996 12:44:07 -0800 (PST)

One of our PM2E-30's has started to occasionally assign an address
that is currently assigned to another session.

This box has been running 3.3.2 for about 3 months -- we've just
noticed the duplicate addresses within the last few days. It seems to
happen when it is busy and all the ports are in use.

Has anyone else encountered this? A quick search of the archives
didn't reveal anything...

Any workarounds short of a reboot?

-- Bob

Bob Finch email: bob@nas.com
Network Access Services, Inc. voice: (360) 733-9279
P.O. Box 28085 fax: (360) 676-0345
Bellingham, WA 98228-0085 WWW: http://www.nas.com/