Re: Livingston ethics?

Jon Lewis (
Tue, 12 Nov 1996 23:12:21 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 12 Nov 1996, Brian Rice wrote:

> This did not happen. It is a communication error of some kind, but
> no way, no how, did anybody at this company (ignore my
> mail header, it's just my remote connection) tell you "Hey, we decided
> not to sell it to you, just to US. Sorry." At least not in those words.
> What, we want to commit international suicide? I don't think so ...

I was going to suggest Jukka email bri...but I figured he reads the lists

> > US List US ISP Local ISP
> > 94.000fim 51.000fim 84.000fim
> I was unable to make sense of this ...

My guess is he meant he got the following prices from

US List US ISP Best price he could get from his nearest distributor
$20434 $11,086 $18260

I went to the Livingston web site to see if I could confirm these prices,
but funny thing, the ISP price list on the PM3 series seems to be gone.
Is Livingston going to dump the ISP special prices before the PM3's even
ship? That would reak of Bill Gates vaporware. Hype the product/prices
to hurt the competition, and then jack up the prices. I hope this is just
a case of Megazone forgetting to put the ISP prices link into the new
pages, or me just being unable to find my way back to that page.

Jon Lewis <> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/hr.
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