Re: Primary & Secondary Radius Servers

Adam Burns (
Wed, 06 Nov 1996 10:18:27 +1000

At 01:08 AM 11/5/96 -0500, Darren G. Ellis wrote:
>Can someone out there tell me how the primary and secondary servers work?
>More specifically, if the primary server is used for authenticating the
>user, the primary default host is used if required. If the primary does
>not find the user, and the secondary does, is the primary default host
>assigned or is the secondary default host assigned?
>The goal here is to have two separate domains running on the same
>hardware. If a caller belongs to domain 1, machine 1 is assigned as
>default host. If a caller belongs to domain 2, she will not be found by
>server 1, but will be found by server 2, and machine 2 is assigned as
>default host.
>Will radius do this?

It may be slightly 'inappropriate' to mention the Merit flavor RADIUS server
on this list, but that is exactly what we are doing with it.

I would be interested to know whether this is easily now achievable with the
Livingston version of the RADIUS server.

Adam Burns
Contact us for distributed RADIUS enabled,
local call dial up access across *all* of Australia.