Get Paid answer RADIUS/Portmaster questions

Garry Hipsher (
Tue, 05 Nov 1996 16:18:55 -0600

Get Paid to answer RADIUS questions
Pacific Internet develops the WebCube Linux-based Internet server. We are
located in Los Angeles, California. The WebCube is developed for use as a
high-performance web server and ISP server. It comes with RADIUS, Apache,
modem banks, ISP billing software, Livingstons, etc. -- all running on
Pentium/SCSI hardware. We have established over the last year a large,
worldwide ISP customer base.

We are actively recruiting Linux/Livingston technical support experts to assist
with the on-line support of our customers. This involves daily, real-time
responses to e-mails we receive from our customers, and sometime also
telnet'ing into their systems and routers to diagnose problems.

Candidates for this position must have excellent knowledge of Linux system
administration, TCP/IP, News, Sendmail, X-Windows, DNS, PC hardware, PPPD,
RADIUS, Apache, Livingston and Cisco Routers, etc. The WebCube is
non-proprietary, therefore candidates that posses experience with Redhat,
Caldera Linux, etc. are well suited.

Your physical location is not important to us (i.e. wearing your floral
pajamas in the kitchen in the Caribbean -- OK.) We expect you to have a
dedicated Internet connection, a PC installed with the current WebCube
software that we will provide you, and the ability to answer technical
questions in a reliable, professional, real-time fashion -- for a fixed
time window per day.

Money - we will negotiate with you an offer you cannot refused, based on
your technical skills. This shall be a flat-fee basis, or on a
per-problem-solved basis.

For further info, please contact:

Garry Hipsher
Pacific Internet
600 Corporate Pointe, Suite 100
Culver City, CA 90230
Tel (310) 215-8041 Fax (310) 215-8071