Re: RADIUS 2.0 Source? COME AND GET IT! (fwd)

David Denney (
Mon, 4 Nov 1996 17:19:27 -0700 (MST)

On Fri, 1 Nov 1996, Chris B. Wilson wrote:

> > 'save as this name, NOT my name'. I've tried a few things, none worked.

> If there is a magic tag for it, I'm sure Netscape would have known about

Why not just have a access restricted page that the cgi
gets you to after authentication (using a cookie?)
where there is a link to click on to download the file?

David Denney         |            Dimensional Communications              | |   Shell/SLIP/PPP * $25/mo 28.8Kbps * $50/mo ISDN   |
303.295.6949 voice   | <> |
303.528.3199 emrgncy |     *  N E V E R   A N   H O U R L Y   F E E  *    |

protect your freedom, while you still can, finger me for PGP key, use it!