Re: Resetting stats on PM2 (fwd)

MIX System Operator (
Mon, 04 Nov 1996 08:31:12 -0600

At 01:23 AM 11/3/96 -0800, MegaZone wrote:
>Once upon a time Lennard Kong shaped the electrons to say...
>>Is there a way to reset the packets in/out statistices
>>on the serial ports for the PM2 without rebooting ?
>No, sorry.

Lose your sarcasm? What about power cycling?

Are there any plans to have this in the future? I do the 'clear counters'
on Cisco and when a port shows errors like frames and spurs, it sure would
be nice to clear without rebooting, especially during busy hours.

Users don't care if it is for their benefit.

Jeff Mountin

MIX Communications
Serving the Internet since 1990

Sure my business card says "Senior Network Administrator"
They still make me do just about anything.