Re: rlogins Help still

Christian Nielsen (
Wed, 29 Nov 1995 00:51:47 -0700 (MST)

On Mon, 27 Nov 1995, duncan vella wrote:

> I recently was speaking to Livingston support and they said that
> pmconsole does not work on Solaris 2.4 In fact they are still
> starting to Beta-test the software for this OS.
> They suggested I use solaris 2.3 as it works well with this.
> If you access their ftp site at check
> the README file in the /pub/livingston/ directory and it
> states "Do not use pminstall on Solaris 2.4"

we installed it on 2.4 and it has worked. But why can't our frame-relay
conections login via rlogin??? But the pm2e right next to our sun can.
That is the question.

Christian Nielsen,CN46,KB7HAP

Vyzynz International Inc.
Phone 801-568-0999 Fax 801-568-0953 PS :)