Weird problem.

Bik Mann (
Tue, 28 Nov 1995 11:05:35 -0500

I have a PM2eR-20, and have USR 28.8 modems. Everything has been working
properly, except now.

When I dial into PM2eR, I get the login and password, after it passess (via
PPP), using Trumpet Winsock, (sometimes it will tel me that MY IP ADDRESS =
x.x.x.x, and somethimes it does not), I try to use the internet software.
Such as Netscape, it says at the bottom, "Looking for Host", and then "Found
Host, Connecting) and it does not do anything afterwards. I can ping
to any other place, but I cannot run eudora, netscape, FTP stuff anymore.
It might appear to be some sort of name resolution problem. I don't know.
Can someone help me.
Bik Mann
Adeo Communications Corporation
Standard Life Centre
121 King Street West, Suite 860
Toronto, Ontario M5H 3T9
Tel: (416) 777-2560
Fax: (416) 777-2562
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