Re: Win 95 and connect speeds

Mike Sabbota (
Sun, 26 Nov 1995 22:19:18 -0800 (EDT)

Not sure, didn't see. I have encountered problems though were users will
go and buy an external 28.8 and plug it into a 2400 kbps serial port.
The modem may connect at 28.8, but will only communicate with your computer
at a max of 2400 (ugh). Depending on the communications software, it
might say 28.8 or maybe 2400. I am not all that familiar with Win95
myself, but depending on exactly how it works, you could be looking at
two seperate sets of numbers. I do know that Win95 dial-up networking
provides an option on how fast the modem is allow or can connect at. "max
connection rate" if that is set for 2400 opposed to something else, that could be the problem
as well. I think you can find the Max connection rate under the dial-up
networking properties/connection type.I
believe that the max modem connect speed, but it COULD be the setting for
the port. Sorry, I'm on a Unix machine at the moment and don't have a
copy of Win95 to reference about it.

Michael J. Sabbota
Radius Administrator Voice:(810)642-2276

On Sun, 26 Nov 1995, Alfred L. Johnson wrote:

> I thought I recently saw someone else's question concerning their
> use of Windows 95 and a high speed modem. They were connecting to
> an ISP and were only able to connect at 2400 kbps everytime. Was
> there ever a solution to this problem?
> Thanks,
> Alfred L. Johnson
> Vice President, Director of Operations
> Connect International, Inc.
> 45 N.E. Loop 410, Suite 180
> San Antonio, Texas 78216
> phone: (210) 341-2599
> fax: (210) 341-6725