Re: A good init string for the HAYES OPTIMA rack series

Darren K. Bolding (
Sat, 25 Nov 1995 06:52:53 -0600 (CST)

In the previous message, said:
> I am looking for a good and reliable init string for the hayes OPTIMA 28.8 rack
> series. I am particular dificulty (as usual for an ISP) with connections via a
> USR Sportster arbitrarily hanging up.
> Leigh.

I've been playing with these for a while (just about to move into beta/lim.
production with a few of the Century-16 racks) and have had very bad
luck with the Optima strings that seem to be floating around; I have gotten
crazy things like:

1) Modems not responding at all
2) the third char. you type causes ERROR no matter what- even after a
power cycle.
3) Random not answering the phone;
4) Really going crazy when you have it try to track the Livingstons DTR.

On the other hand, one of these racks in question started behaving
beautifully after I:

1) Released and re-seated each card.
2) Used this string: at&f\n ats0=1&d2&w0&w1z

Since then the two racks that I've had physical access and done this
to have performed well in tests (no more random non answering/disapearing
etc). The connect well to USR Sportsters and PPI's.

Then again, they haven't been hit with production levels of use
yet, some of the original problems seemed to possibly be heat

I would *love* to hear other peoples experiences with these. I started
out thinking they were total trash- but now they seem to be working
OK (except for that first rack I haven't had access to to fix yet).

My $.02, and I would love to be corrected.

Oh, BTW, the &d2 flag doesn't seem to in *any* way correlate with what
the manual says it does.


-- Darren Bolding      Senior network engineer --
-- Internet Partners of America   1-800-785-4091 X106 --
-- ISP design and implementation.    WAN, UNIX and Security consulting --