RE: error downloading images with Netscape??

Mark Steil (
Sat, 25 Nov 1995 08:55:00 -0600

From: Javier Iglesias[]
Sent: Friday, November 24, 1995 7:19 PM
To: Christian Nielsen
Cc: Portmaster
Subject: Re: error downloading images with Netscape??

> > Everything seems to work fine for him, except that when he goes to =
> > brand! :)) but he tried ws_ftp, and it works fine.. even eudora.. so =
> > netscape??
> We have found some wierd problems with Trumpet Winsock/ TCP Man
> Have them set the MTU
> 1006 28.8k
> 503 14.4K
> 256 9600 Baud

I have the mtu for all my users at 576 (they are all PPP accounts), the=20
extrange thing is that if he loads the pages without images, everything=20
is fine, it is just the images in Netscape that gives him problems.. (he =

is using netscape 1.22)

> also, make sure that you have reverse dns working.

seems to be working fine.. all the other users don't have any problems..

I have noticed the same problem on our modem administration box which is =
connected directly to the local ether net and running netmanage so I =
don't think the problem is a portmaster issue, or a Trumpet issue =


Mark Steil
System Administrator TRVNET.NET
Phone: 515-887-5900