David Carmean (
Wed, 22 Nov 1995 12:50:23 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 22 Nov 1995, Joe Camilleri wrote:

> Would someone direct me to more information on RADIUS. Is there a mailing
> list specific to RADIUS?
Well...there's, but it doesn't
get much traffic at all. Then there's a new list at
with even less traffic, which was created for non-Livingston RADIUS
questions. Both are Majordomo lists. Most of the other documentation
for the Livingston RADIUIS is available in the same ftp directory as
the distribution:


> In particular I would like to know if RADIUS would:
> A client want to let outside users to access one server on the Network. The
> users dialin to a Portmaster (or similar) get authenticated and can only see
> one and only one server.

With dialin use, you can specify an Rlogin host address, or
use the in.pmd service on supported systems. With PPP/SLIP, you
can build a filter in the portmaster, and the user's entry in the
RADIUS users file can indicate which filter to use for that user.

> Also, is there any relationship between Kerberos and RADIUS.
The Merit RADIUS package has some Kerberos hooks...take a
look at


David Carmean WB6YZM DC574
System/Network Administrator, WestNet Communications, Inc.
PGP Key Fingerprint: CD 1C C1 15 3E E3 1D 41 ED C2 3E A8 D6 29 BD C4