Re: Assigned IPs from a subnetted class C

Jeffrey C. Ollie (
Wed, 22 Nov 1995 14:48:03 -0600

>>>>> "M" == Matthew N Dodd <> writes:
M> I just got a PM2e30 in and I'm trying to get it setup with assigned
M> addresses. I want to subnet the class C network I was using to assign
M> addresses out of into 2 subnets of 64 addresses each.
M> network 1 would be x.x.2.64, broadcast x.x.2.127, range .65 - .126
M> network 2 would be x.x.2.128, broadcast x.x.2.191, range .129 - .190
M> the netmask would be (ffffffc0)
M> Now, will this work? I'm not having any luck so far, but that may just
M> be me and the router. I just want to make sure that the PM2e will
M> be happy with this...

This is what we are using. We are using addresses out of a Class B
though, although I don't think that it makes a difference. Forget
using RIP - it won't handle it. Set static routes up in your router
and hosts. The latest alpha of Gated sets up static routes on our
UNIX boxes for the subnets and one VMS machine relies on ICMP
redirects from the router and default routes.

Jeffrey C. Ollie
Iowa Network Services System Administrator