Re: [Linux-ISP] Help with Portmaster 2e30 and Linux server

Murphy Leo O'Dea (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 18:38:04 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 20 Nov 1995, Peter Lynn Buschman wrote:

> Greetings everyone.
> Well, our portmaster finally arrived, and I am having a bugger of a time
> getting it to talk to the Linux box we have netted to it. I know a number
> If the machines are only networked locally, can gateway and network entries
> screw up local routing?
> Thanks for any help,
> *crossing fingers*
> --Peter
Yes, I believe so. Make sure you configure the ethernet interfaces on
each machine with a sensical address and netmask -

ifconfig eth0 <ipaddress> netmask <netmask>

Now, when you added your route, was it a direct host route to the
portmaster? You must add a route to the network number first, like -

route add -net <network> netmask <netmask>

I would comment out any network or gateway entries first, and try the
above with ip numbers...