Routing -- this will work, won't it??

John R. Jamerson (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 16:48:40 -0500

Bear with me, the Livingston portmaster stuff is in there somewhere :-)

This probably belongs in <duh>routing 101</duh>, but here goes nuthin.

ISP currently using one Internet T-1 with managed (rented) Cisco 2501 router
and ADC Kentronix DSU/CSU.

Going to get a redundant T-1 from a competing big guy telco. However, they
don't "do" managed routers and DSU/CSU's.

The company that we're talking to for the redundant T-1 recommends a Cisco
4000 w/32M RAM for "border gateway routing" -- smart routing that will route
telco A's customers off on telco A's existing T-1 and telco B's customers
off on the
new telco B T-1. Bottom line price tag for Cisco and DSU/CSU is about $12K.

I've got this idea that will save the boss some bucks if it will work (and I
don't see
why it won't).

I've got 12 PM2E's that use the existing 2501 router for default gateway.
Why can't
I buy another 2501 and a simple Motorola FT-100S DSU/CSU for the new T-1,
route half
my PM2E's thru the existing router and the other half thru the new router??
Prudent use of default gateway in the PM2E's would/could balance the load
the routers.

This scenario will cost $4K max. It's not "intelligent" routing like BGP4,
but the
$8K difference would mean a lot to the boss.

I think this is do-able. Opinions/suggestions????

Thanks for your time.

John Jamerson
Systems Administrator/WAN Manager
CoastalNet/Global Information Exchange