Re: WorldGroup BBS by Galacticomm.

Chris B. Wilson, VectorNet (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 17:23:13 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 20 Nov 1995, Mark Leslie wrote:

> What I have is a user logging in to us using the WorldGroup BBS by
> Glacticomm. I have him assigned 7 dedicated IP's one for his connection to
> us... and 6 for each modem on his side of things. He is able to call into
> our PM2E(30) and get a live connection (via CSLIP) and ping everyone... as
> well he can ping from outside through us to his server (No DNS reg as of
> yet). The problem comes when he tries to call into his system and they
> cannot got through HIM to the net... no pings to me... no pings from
> outside. Traceroute has the same result.

Did you put in static routes, or use a netmask route?

> If someone from Livingston Tech Support reads this you HAD BETTER call me
> before I start making RASH judgements about your Products/Support!!

I'm sure they're terribly afraid.


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[ Chris B. Wilson ]
[ Gateway Telecommunications, Inc./VectorNet ]
[ Office: 904-375-8658 Fax: 904-376-8353 Pager: 904-412-4341 ]
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