Re: WorldGroup BBS by Galacticomm.

Robert Hanson (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 02:37:21 -0800 (PST)

there are a few things that need to be answered first... one... based
upon what i have read, the ICO package on the WG server must not be in
proxy mode... it can be run that way... and you only need to assigned one
ip to his system.

the WG software is a pain in the butt to setup... hence the fact that i
use portmasters and the bbs i have is mainly a local gaming chat kinda
thingy and i had grand plans for the $1000 ico software...

the first thing to do would be to make sure that when people go into slip
mode on his unit that his/her WG software is actually functioning in
slip/cslip/ppp mode... there are so many variables on the mbbs/wg side.
also is it truly the ico wg software by gcomm or the vircom software?
plus the fact that the software is in beta still for the pass through slip
(ico gcomm) you'll need to set down with this person and basically start
from scratch... have you seen it operate on their side? can they do the
telnet/ftp/email/finger blah thing? how fast is the connect? if it is not
at least 56k sync dont even try... im assuming it is a fast link... of
course i could be wrong... router on his side too? lemme know... you can
pry get in on the gcomm beta chats through his account on
might help...


On Mon, 20 Nov 1995, Mark Leslie wrote:

> Howdy all!
> This may just be a dumb question but it has me stumped.... it may have
> Livingston Tech Support stumped as well because I am going into the second
> week without a return phone call from them (regardless of my repeated
> attempts to establish dialog!).
> What I have is a user logging in to us using the WorldGroup BBS by
> Glacticomm. I have him assigned 7 dedicated IP's one for his connection to
> us... and 6 for each modem on his side of things. He is able to call into
> our PM2E(30) and get a live connection (via CSLIP) and ping everyone... as
> well he can ping from outside through us to his server (No DNS reg as of
> yet). The problem comes when he tries to call into his system and they
> cannot got through HIM to the net... no pings to me... no pings from
> outside. Traceroute has the same result.
> I have been working on this for more than 2 weeks now... someone please
> tell me it's not my fault... the problem is on HIS side! Just Kidding...
> an answer to the problem would be preferable! I have the latest OS on the
> PM, and running my authentication server under BSDI's BSD/OS 2.0.
> If someone from Livingston Tech Support reads this you HAD BETTER call me
> before I start making RASH judgements about your Products/Support!!
> Thanks in advance!
> ---
> Mark Leslie
> System Administrator
> AXXIS Internet Services
> A System Administrator never sleeps!