RE: SNMP errors

Irve Towers (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 08:41:23 -0500

At 05:58 PM 11/20/95 PST, you wrote:
>Please check that you have enable SNMP on the Portmaster!! That
>might help.

Please... Yes I do have SNMP enabled.. The system info is being returned
with all the proper information objects, it's just the interface information
that produces the PDU errors. The active interfaces do contain some data but
it's garbage. We have Shiva equipment that return good clean info about each
of the dial ports.
It's not a major problem, just a pain to have to use the pmconsole to
monitor the Livingston equipment while everything else I can monitor with SNMP..
Irve Towers
The Hub Internet Services
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