has anybody ever seen this?

Sat, 18 Nov 1995 23:10:55 -0700

Hey there everybody! Every now and again (pretty rarely), I'll see a line
in the 'show sessions' that looks like this:

S10 ATS0?S2?S3?S4?S - Log/Net In USERNAME 0 0


S10 PPP - Log/Net In USERNAME 0 0

Could this be a hacker trying to exploit a bug or something? It never seems
to get past the Log/Net In USERNAME, but the entry stays for a while. Darn,
it's gone now so I'm not sure if anyone was actually dialed into that modem.

"Ye are of your father the devil,
and the lusts of your father ye will do."

-St. John 8:44


Dave McPike
Stonehenge Internet