Windows-NT Radius server available

Dale Reed Jr. - Network Engineer (
Sun, 19 Nov 1995 08:15:44 GMT

> Has anyone on this list had any experience using a portmaster in
> conjunction with a Windows NT server? We are faced with doing just
> that and I am wondering if there is an NT-native version of PMconsole
> and if, miracle of miracles, there is any way to run radius under NT?
> (Is this even possible?)

Sometimes miracles are just meant to happen. :) There is a version of
PM Console for Windows that works fine on Windows NT. Its a little
buggy, but I had no major problems configuring a new PM 2e-30 with
it. I have also used it over 28.8k dialup as well.

We are expanding one of our sites, and had an extra PM 2e-30 available
over this weekend. I finished the port of Radius Security server and
Radius Accounting server to Windows NT tonight. I have NOT extensively
tested it (no lines into the PM, just a terminal) but all functionality
seems to be working.

You can get more details about all this from my home page (including
the files) at I wrote a summary of what
I did that can be found off that page (its in the archive, as well).
Please send me mail if you are interested in it. I did this really
just to see if it could be done. :)


Dale E. Reed Jr.
Network Engineer