Re: SYNC or ASYNC this is the question

Robert Boyle (
Sat, 18 Nov 1995 22:42:49 -0500

At 11:44 AM 11/17/95 +0300, wrote:

>I'm also interested in sync mode for PPP.

For sync connections, you can only use the W1 port on a 2eR or any port
(S1-S4) on an IRX.

>BTW, has anyone experience using all the ports at 115.200?
>I think (115.200*29)+10.000.000=13.340.800 too much for i386 at 40MHz, no?

The 386 runs at 33Mhz and it doesn't directly handle the i/o operations.
They are handled by other components in the PortMaster. We are running all
of our ports at 115.2k w/o any problems. In fact, our customers regularly
comment about how much faster we are than any other service that they have


Robert Boyle - Engineer
Garden Networks: Northern New Jersey's Premier Internet Service Provider
50 Diller Ave. Newton, NJ 07860 (201)300-9211 9AM-5PM EST Automatic Response: