SYNC or ASYNC this is the question

Joerg SPROCKETS Grau (
Thu, 16 Nov 1995 10:30:39 -0500 (EST)

like Hamlet I am faced with a dilemma.

I have a PM2e30, running 3.1.4.

I have guys who want to come in over an ISDN line using sync PPP. As
far as I know, the serial ports on the PM are all async. Is there a way
for the PM to handle sync PPP, and if so how to do it?

Also, nobody has responded to my earlier question about dial-up ISDN
(sync PPP). Quick re-cap. Customers want to come in with a dial-up on
demand ISDN connection, connecting about 16 workstations on their LAN to
the Internet. They want to run their own mail server on their NT
server. Do I need to assign them 16 IP addresses, or will one do ( and I
let them do their own internal routing). Any help would be appreciated,
since this is the first time I am doing this kind of thing and I am a
little fuzzy on the specifics.

Thank you in advance

Joerg 'SPROCKETS' Grau | |

"Only the shallow know themselves"

(Phrases and Philosophies for the Use of the Young by oscar wilde)