Re: Merit Radius and Portmaster

Allen J. Newton (
Thu, 16 Nov 1995 08:53:06 -0700 (MST)

Jeff Mcadams wrote:
> Subject: Re: Merit Radius and Portmaster
> The main problem being for those systems that have a large installed
> user-base, switching the current users over to host: login: password:
> order rather than login: password: service: (or whatever) is pretty much
> an insurmountable task. Also, just adding the host: prompt before
> doesn't work either since its breaks current scripts that are out there.
> The host prompt works fine and it sends the correct hints to the radius
> server, but when it breaks the thousands of users that you already have,
> using that sort of setup is just impractical.

I saw an argument yesterday reflecting pretty much this same concern, and
no one remarked (everyone agrees that it would be a hassle, but I differ
with "insurmountable" and "just impractical", and not just for these

Forgive me if I seem a bit draconian about this. I believe the way I'd
handle this (and I've seen my own ISP handle things like this in a similar
fashion) is to notify all our users of the impending change and what's
required on their end (after having gone to the effort to analyze as many
of their setups as possible), then send a reminder one week, then one day
before the change takes effect, then just do it. If their setup breaks
because they didn't pay attention, I'm sure they'll be calling -- and I'll
be referring them to the instructions and asking them if they want me to
send it to them via postal mail. ;-)

Okay, okay, for paying customers you'll have to go a little further out on
a limb for them, but I'm guessing MOST of them will be reasonable and will
have bothered to _save_ the messages, and even most of those who do will
have understood them and done what was needed, and that it'll only be your
"problem children" who you'll have to deal with by holding their hand
through the change. Unless you've got over a thousand customers and only
one tech support person, I don't think the work load will come anywhere
near "insurmountable".

Try to make the change overnight and with no warning, and yeah...

(Says he, after having made a similar mistake in the past -- those rope
burns on my neck still haven't healed completely! ;-)

Allen J. Newton     BASIS International Ltd,  (505)-345-5232
5901 Jefferson NE,  Albuquerque, New Mexico   87109   Network Administrator     <*>