Re: Default gateway of

Carl Rigney ((no email))
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 21:13:20 -0800 (PST)

[Did you know your reply address looks like: pdunn@ ??]

The first edition of "Configuration Guide for PortMaster Products"
covers only the PortMaster Office Router and is included with that, and
is available in compressed PostScript by FTP on 95% of what
it says applies to our other products as well, but the second revision
covers all the things that our other products do that the PortMaster
Office Router does not, so its closer to 350 pages than 250.

The second edition will appear in the same location and will be announced
to the mailing list when its ready,
and will be purchasable seperately as well as being included with some or
all products - that's still being decided.
