portmaster memory

Cor Bosman (cor@xs4all.net)
Sat, 18 Nov 1995 06:01:49 +0100

> > How do we know when we need to add more memory?`
> 1) "show memory" will show how much memory is in use. If the first
> line has less than 20KB free, I'd first look for where the memory
> is going (do you need all that routing, etc.), and then consider
> upgrading memory. Its OK for nbuf's to go to very small numbers free
> for a short time; they come and go very quickly. Ignore the middle
> line; that's for tech support.
> 2) When we add OSPF, add more memory. :-)
> And on, I can't say when #2 happens; you can trust that we won't be shy
> about announcing it when the time comes; its one of the Big Four Requests.

What are the big 4? OSPF, BGP? what else?
