Re: portmaster memory

Carl Rigney ((no email))
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 20:42:46 -0800 (PST)

> How do we know when we need to add more memory?`

1) "show memory" will show how much memory is in use. If the first
line has less than 20KB free, I'd first look for where the memory
is going (do you need all that routing, etc.), and then consider
upgrading memory. Its OK for nbuf's to go to very small numbers free
for a short time; they come and go very quickly. Ignore the middle
line; that's for tech support.

2) When we add OSPF, add more memory. :-)

And on, I can't say when #2 happens; you can trust that we won't be shy
about announcing it when the time comes; its one of the Big Four Requests.

Carl Rigeny