Re: 2400 bps PPP

John Jamerson (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 17:17:49 -0500 (EST)

If you use a "standard" one minute time out for a user to login,
then a 2400 baud modem won't even make the time limit.


Months ago had a user who insisted that he wanted a PPP account, even tho
we strongly recommended against it. He wouldn't listen, so we set him
up, and sure enough, he could never get logged in. Of course he blamed
our system.

Had the old bugger come in with his equipment (the whole set up),
assembled the lot in the reception area and (with me as operator) tried
to log in. Failed consistently. Then I broke out a 14.4 modem, hooked
it up to his machine, and BINGO, connections!!

Ended up selling him the damn 14.4, since he'd seen with his own eyes that
it worked. Left everything hooked together (monitor, keyboard, mouse,
monitor, the works) and carried it out to his car (he wanted it that way,
so he wouldn't hose up the connections). What a goat rope!! Then he got
his grandson to help him unload it and carry it into the house. Haven't
heard a peep out of him since. Happy as a clam.

Bottom line: The system will time out a user before his 2400 can do the
userid/password/PPP negotiation thingy.

John Jamerson
Systems Administrator/WAN Manager
CoastalNet/Global Information Exchange

On Fri, 17 Nov 1995, sameer wrote:

> I have USR Sporster 28.8 modems connected to my PM at 115.2k I
> have a user who has a 2400 bps modem. He got a connnection and enteres
> his username but at the password prompt his side hung up on my USR.
> (My logs don't show a successful login from his account)
> Will his buying a 14.4 or 28.8 solve the problem or could
> there be some other problem?
> --
> sameer Voice: 510-601-9777
> Community ConneXion FAX: 510-601-9734
> The Internet Privacy Provider Dialin: 510-658-6376
> (or login as "guest")