Re: 2400 bps PPP
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 16:23:21 -0600

We have had very little success (have the same symptoms you describe) getting
2400 baud modems of any type to connect to our MT2834MRs. Changing to a faster
modem has fixed the problem in ALL cases.

On Fri, 17 Nov 1995, sameer <> wrote:
> I have USR Sporster 28.8 modems connected to my PM at 115.2k I
>have a user who has a 2400 bps modem. He got a connnection and enteres
>his username but at the password prompt his side hung up on my USR.
>(My logs don't show a successful login from his account)
> Will his buying a 14.4 or 28.8 solve the problem or could
>there be some other problem?
>sameer Voice: 510-601-9777
>Community ConneXion FAX: 510-601-9734
>The Internet Privacy Provider Dialin: 510-658-6376
> (or login as "guest")

Jonny Hinojosa DigiPhone Corp. 409.693.8885