Re: 2400 bps PPP

Michael J. Hartwick (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 18:26:56 -0500 (EST)

I have several users connecting at 2400 baud. Our answering modems are
GVC 14.4's. The ports on my PM are set to 19200. We do not have to do
anything special to get 2400 baud users to connect. Must still upgrade
to 14.4 due to the speed, but they can connect at 2400.

On Fri, 17 Nov 1995,
sameer wrote:

> I have USR Sporster 28.8 modems connected to my PM at 115.2k I
> have a user who has a 2400 bps modem. He got a connnection and enteres
> his username but at the password prompt his side hung up on my USR.
> (My logs don't show a successful login from his account)
> Will his buying a 14.4 or 28.8 solve the problem or could
> there be some other problem?
> --
> sameer Voice: 510-601-9777
> Community ConneXion FAX: 510-601-9734
> The Internet Privacy Provider Dialin: 510-658-6376
> (or login as "guest")

Michael J. Hartwick, VE3SLQ
Prime-Line Communications