Re: ISPs - What modems are you having the best luck with PMs

Fri, 17 Nov 1995 20:28:07 +0100

At 11:20 17/11/1995 -0800, you wrote:
>> We've been working with 1 manufacturer for 6 months while trying to
>> debug _their_ modems. We were never told we were beta testers.
>> And they kept blaming our equipment (The portmasters for instance).
>> In the end we spent 2 full days debugging them, and found out internal
>> signal problems made all their uneven rackpositions flaky.
>> We should have sent a bill for consultancy. I really wouldnt enjoy
>> going through this again with USR, a brand which for me stands for
>> stability. You damn well pay for it.
>> Cor

We have been working with 1 manufacturer (USR) for 6 months while trying to
debug _their_ modems (Total Control Rack).
We were never told we were "one of" many beta-testers :-)
Had to send them back...

We're now using SupraFax with more or less success. Had to "flash" them all.
Still don't work with some other brands (USR Sporters & MultiTech MX...)


Eric SALOME <>
Societe CERTIX Sarl tel : +33 (1)
32, bd de Strasbourg gsm : +33
75010 PARIS fax : +33 (1)
Conseil et Ingenierie en Informatique