PM and Spry Mosaic

Frank Heinzius (
Thu, 16 Nov 1995 15:47:23 +0000


a customer told me that Air Mosaic from Spry does not work in PPP
mode with the PortMasters. SLIP works fine, PPP not. It must be a
fault of Air Mosaic, because other PPP products the customer tried
work fine with the PPP user settings in the PM (Trumpet Winsock,
Chameleon NFS, Win95, OS/2, ...).

Any dirty tricks to get Air Mosaic to work in PPP mode?

thanks in advance,

Frank Heinzius

***** The expressed opinions are totally mine! *****
Frank M. Heinzius             MMS Communication GmbH                  Eiffestrasse 598             Germany
Phone: +49 40 211105-0        Fax  : +49 40 210 32 210
***** U.S.Robotics and Livingston Distributor  *****