Re: PM and Spry Mosaic

Sean and Sonja's list box (
Thu, 16 Nov 1995 16:18:44 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 16 Nov 1995, Frank Heinzius wrote:

> Howdy,
> a customer told me that Air Mosaic from Spry does not work in PPP
> mode with the PortMasters. SLIP works fine, PPP not. It must be a
> fault of Air Mosaic, because other PPP products the customer tried
> work fine with the PPP user settings in the PM (Trumpet Winsock,
> Chameleon NFS, Win95, OS/2, ...).

I wonder if they have something weird setup. We've got several customers
using AirMosaic using PPP without a problem. If you're not using PAP or
CHAP make sure they don't have this selected. This is my number two
problem I have with PPP users. (Number one being not using the correct

Sonja Jo Krenz-Bush ServNet/Abstract Software
``Just another one of the flock following the herd.''