configuring a firewall router for a show

Phil Jensen - News Administrator (
Sat, 11 Nov 1995 06:26:05 -0800 (PST)

Good morning.

I have one of those awesome little firewalls routers (my boss
must have bought at least three of everything from Livingston) and I had
a question about how I should configure my global settings. I looked
through the quick start guide--believe it or not, it took me 95% of the
way there.

What would I set the gateway on my router to if I am using S0 to
connect to a regular Portmaster via PPP? The address of the Portmaster
I'll be connecting to The class C I'd like to use
the firewall router on.

I apparently need these three things: the gateway address for the
show router, the address to set myself to in RADIUS, and the 'location'
address. Here are my educated guesses:

set (show router) location valleynet dest
Framed-Address =
Framed-Route = " 1" (is that right?)
set (show router) gateway

I'm just trying to get a list of commands down so that I know
exactly what to do when the occasion rises. :) If anyone could help me
here, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Phil Jensen _\\|//_
News Administrator/JAPH (-0-0-)
ValleyNet Communications - Central California's Premier Internet Provider
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