need help setting routes

John Jamerson (
Sat, 11 Nov 1995 10:20:09 -0500 (EST)

Got the following:

pm2E-30 --
EtherFrad --
Frame Cloud
EtherFrad --
LAN (with servers, etc.) (Cisco is Internet router)
pm2E-30 --
port s19 ( Dedicated dialup
| (actually uses 41.1 thru 41.19)

Problem: can't ping the 41.0 net from the 42.0 net. CAN ping 41.0
net anywhere from the 40.4 frad back towards the 41.0 net.

The 41.0 net can get anywhere up to the Cisco (40.1) and the frad (40.4),
but can't get past either (either to the Internet or to other drops on
the frame cloud). The 41.0 client needs to reach all, and needs to be
reached by all.

I know it's a route table problem, but no matter what I try to add, I
can't make it work. I've added almost every imaginable route to the 42.2
PM, the 40.20 PM and the Unix servers, but I still can't get there from here.
The frads don't have route table capability.

Opinions (and I know you got 'em)/advice cheerfully accepted.
A bright, shiny new dime to the bright lad/lass who comes thru.


John Jamerson
Systems Administrator/WAN Manager
CoastalNet/Global Information Exchange