Re: PPP & Shell with the same account
Sat, 11 Nov 1995 08:46:00 -0500 (EST)

John --
I believe that you are on the right track. I turned "security" off on
one port, dialed in as a shell user and got in. As expected there was
no entry for the user in the detail file for that PortMaster.
Now here is where it gets interesting; I then connected to that port as
a PPP user who exists only in the users file and got authenticated using
PAP. The session was logged in detail as if security was turned on on
that port. If I then change the default in the users file to Framed/PPP
and turn "security" off on all of the ports we can then have a single
username/password for each user and they can then come in as either shell
or PPP!
This seems at odds with what is in the available docs. Am I reading
them wrong or is this an unintended feature?
The one downside to this is we will then loose all logging of the shell
users and I'm not sure that I like that idea since we use the detail file
to tell us when we need to add more phone lines.
--Ira Goldstein

> On Wed, 8 Nov 1995 John W. Temples was heard to write:
> > > > > On Tue, 7 Nov 1995, Michael L Judson wrote:
> > >
> > > Which means you're not even using RADIUS, so the users file is never
> > > being consulted.
> >
> > But it is. I was surprised when it worked, so I double checked to
> > make sure the PPP login name that I was using was *not* in the terminal
> > server's user table, and it was not.
> I don't see how that's possible. The manual specifically states
> " must be set to ON in order for RADIUS daemon to perform
> lookups in the users file."
> > I also have the radacct file show
> > that the login came in through RADIUS authentication.
> Maybe accounting transactions are sent to the RADIUS server if the PM
> has an accounting server configured, even with security off.
> Perhaps someone at Livingston could tell us if there is some condition
> under which RADIUS queries would be sent with security off.
> - --
> John W. Temples, III || Providing the first public access Internet
> Gulfnet Kuwait || site in the Arabian Gulf region