Re: /etc/radiusd: No such service: radius/udp

Mark Whittington (
Wed, 8 Nov 1995 11:18:54 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, Michael L Judson wrote:

> I have Radius set up on one machine and it seems to be working fine.
> However, I want to set up an alternate Radius server. I moved over
> the relevant files and edited /etc/services. However, when I start
> it up, I get:
> /etc/radiusd: No such service: radius/udp
> Here's my entry in /etc/services:
> radius 1645/udp

Not sure if it makes a big difference, but I believe the help file
available at shows:

radius 1645 radiusd
radacct 1646

(Note the addition of the word 'radiusd'.) It's been working fine for me
since I installed radius. Hope this helps!

Mark (KE4MAA)

Mark Whittington, System Admin / Technical Support
Paradigm Communications
Hampton, Virginia

(804) 766-0790